Worship our God

Together on the Lord’s Day.

The body of believers at First Baptist Church San Angelo loves to worship our God together on the Lord’s Day! We worship the Lord with a variety of styles and song types, from the traditional hymns of the faith to the wonderful new worship offerings from an upcoming generation of worship leaders around the world. We also worship through our two ordinances: The Observance of the Lord’s Supper and Believer’s Baptism.

We believe in the priesthood of all believers at FBC–which means that we encourage participation by everyone in worship services! Our Sunday morning service begins at 10:30 and is led by our worship choir, praise singers, various instrumentalists on organ, piano, drums, and guitars.

Every worship service features a message which we hope you will find applicable to everyday life. These sermons are based on the Bible and include a time for a public response from the congregation. During the response time, people can join the church, pray, and publically profess faith in Jesus Christ.

FBC Life

FBC Life

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